A platform built for entrepreneurs open to funding from multiple investors

Choose the best way to finance your business now.

With Fundingteam, you immediately get your own online crowdfunding website, enabling you to easily borrow directly from multiple investors on your own terms. The Fundingteam platform helps you set up your loan terms and connect with investors. You learn it, you do it – all online.

Take the quick test

Take the quick test and find out how quickly you can have your plans funded with Fundingteam.

Why you should take the quick test?

1. Receive a personalized strategy to fund your business plans within 24 hours.

2. Find out how we can help you! We tell you the whole story.

3. After seeing our financing method, schedule a free consultation with one of our coaches.

4. See multiple case studies of how we have achieved success with companies!

5,000+ investors in campaigns
225+ users
Average per campaign €110,000 (maximum €5mio)
Average of 40 investors per crowdfunding
Average investment €2,567 per investor


funding raised

How do you successfully finance your business?

Traditional crowdfunding platforms, large investors and banks reject up to 95% of entrepreneurs.
They often have impossible requirements for revenue, profit and collateral.
With Fundingteam, you no longer need them to successfully fund the growth of your business.

Start now!

Independent crowdfunding

With Fundingteam, you have your own crowdfunding platform.
You are independent and free.
Simply borrow directly from multiple investors yourself by issuing your bond directly.
Without hindering intermediaries.
You determine all the conditions.
That’s how you stay in control.

53 days
62 new investors
Activate Funding Team and get started

Your Funding Team subscription helps you reach, activate and realize working capital yourself through multiple investors. Just do it.

Target amount: €250,000

Independent and free

Start now

Independent crowdfunding through Fundingteam proves it time and time again.
You can borrow an average of €2,500 from 40 people much faster and easier than from one funder €100,000.
Moreover, each individual investor transfers directly into your bank account, so the investment is immediately available to you.

What do other entrepreneurs think of Fundingteam?


“We have the ambition to make life more fun therefore I can recommend Fundingteam to any fellow entrepreneur with ambition if you are looking for funding.”


“Fundingteam is a very modern way of raising money. You do it your own way, with your own story, with your own platform and Fundingteam provides the tools.”


“It’s great, my investors have now also become my customers, fans and ambassadors.”

What entrepreneurs say
Placing bonds yourself with investors

More and more investors per month.
The longer you sow, the more you reap.

Cost-effective & flexible

Low cost, high yield

Your investment is only a one-time set-up fee from €995 including a subscription to Fundingteam for 2 years (amounts excl. VAT).

For the cost, you don’t have to put up with it.
Whether you have €25,000 or €5 mi. wants to finance.

Your best investment ever, cost-effective & flexible. Why should you miss out on your funding any longer?
